She's All That《窈窕美眉》I feel just like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. You know, except for the whole hooker thing.我觉得自己就像(楼上!)《漂亮女人》里的茱莉亚·罗伯茨。那个&hellip&hellip除了妓女那一段哈。(半夜三更出来假扮罗伯茨啊&hellip&hellip)
Love Story 《爱情故事》Love means never having to say you're sorry.爱情就是不必说对不起。(言下之意就是说了对不起了就不是爱情?)
Sin City《罪恶城市》My warrior woman. My valkyrie. You'll always be mine, always and never. Never. The Fire, baby. It'll burn us both. It'll kill us both. There's no place in this world for our kind of fire.我的女战士。我的华尔裘丽雅。你永远将是我的,永远是,永远也不是。永远不是。那火焰,宝贝。它会把我们都燃烧了,吞噬了。世上再没有什么地方,容得下你我这样的火焰。(确定这不是意识流的诗歌?!)
Pretty Woman《漂亮女人》And she rescues him right back.而她也反过来挽救了他。(为啥又是罗伯茨?)
A Cry in the Dark《黑暗中的呐喊》A dingo ate my baby!野狗吃了我的孩子!(我们家阿毛,要是没给狼叼走,也该这么大了&hellip&hellip)
As Good as It Gets《尽善尽美》You're why cavemen chiseled on walls.山顶洞人凿壁绘画,就是因为有你。(敢情女主角是原始动物啊&hellip&hellip囧
Four Wedding and a Funeral 《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed.还在下雨么?我都没注意到。(所以打雷下雨衣服肯定没收。)
Dirty Dancing《辣身舞》I carried a watermelon.我带了个西瓜来。(为啥俺想到的不是猪八戒就是小兵张嘎咧?
City of Angels《天使之城》We were made to fit together.我们注定是要在一起的。(想想电影情节&hellip&hellip这台词还真讽刺。)
Jerry Maguire《征服情海》You complete me.你让我的生命完整了。(很好很圆满。)
Ever After《情话童真》A bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?飞鸟或许会爱上鱼,夫人,但他们能活下来么?(飞鸟,怎么会爱上,水里的鱼&hellip&hellip飞鸟和鱼&hellip&hellip)
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me《双峰:与火同行》I'm gone, like a turkey in the corn. Gobble gobble!我走了,就像玉米地里的火鸡。咯咯&hellip&hellip(能不能像烤箱里的火鸡咧?)
X-Men《X战警》You know what happens when a toad gets struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else.你知道一只癞蛤蟆被雷电集中之后会有什么后果么?跟所有其它东西一个下场。(原来癞蛤蟆被雷的结果不是变成王子啊&hellip&hellip失望&hellip&hellip)
Notting Hill《诺丁山》I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.我只是一个女生,站在一个男生面前,求他爱她。(嗯,观众都看出来了,谢谢。)
Star Wars: Episode III &mdash Revenge of the Sith《星球大战3:西斯的复仇》Hold me, like you did by the lake on Naboo.抱紧我,就像你在纳波湖边那样。(跟著名的&ldquo你不要奔跑过来,你等我奔跑过去&rdquo有的一拼。)